Old Burial Hill, Marblehead.
Site Map
Site Map Contents
Gravestone Index
Seventeenth Century Headstones
Virtual Tour
Gravestone Index
Gravestones A?C
James Aborn (1803)
Joseph Ashton (1725)
Abigail Ashton (1720)
Anna Barnard (1744)
Rev. John Barnard (1770)
George Bonfield (1690/1691)
Rebekah Bonfild (1687)
Hannah Bridgo (1795)
Mary Bridgo (1790)
Mary Bridgo (1794)
Mary Bridgo (1796)
Mrs. Mary Bridgo (1796)
Mary Brintnall (1688)
John Browne (1702/1703)
Lois Burke
Giles Browne (1707/1708)
Hannah Carder (1760)
Rev. Samuel Cheever (1724)
Ruthe Cloutman (1800)
John Collyer (1802)
John Collyer 2d (1802)
Samuel Collyer (1794)
Elisabeth Courtis (1771)
Sarah Courtis (1765)
Capt William Courtis (1779)
Capt. Andrew Cratey Senior (1695)
Gravestones D?G
Sally Dennis (1844)
Mary Dixey (1757)
Hannah Doak (1775)
James Edgcomb (1704)
Hezikiah Egglestone (172?)
Benjamin Elithrop (1717)
Mary Elithrop (1717)
Elizabeth Foster (1754)
Elizabeth Foster (1758)
Frances Fullford
Samuel Fullford
Mary Gale
Mary Galle (1694/1695)
Mary Gardler (1711)
Joseph Gallison (1719)
Daniel Glover (1760)
Hannah Glover (1758)
Hannah Glover (1778)
General John Glover (1797)
Jonas Glover (1789)
Elizabeth Goodwin (1688)
Timothy Goodwin (1701)
Elizabeth Goudey (1796)
Miriam Grose
Gravestones H?L
Mary Hammond (1829)
Richard Hawley (1698)
Elias Henly Senior (1699)
Joane Henly (1690/1)
Doctr. Benjamin Hills (1737)
Elizabeth Holyoke (1718)
Elizabeth Holyoke (1719)
Elizabeth Holyoke (1720/1)
Jonas G. Homan (1844)
Ruth Hooper (1732)
Benjamin Hubbard (1802)
Rev. Ebenezer Hubbard (1808)
Hannah Hubbard (1801)
Mary Hubbard (1797)
Sarah Huching (1700)
Ruthy Freeman Ingalls (1797)
Susanna Jayne (1776)
Tabithy Jillings (1785)
Mary Lattimer (1681)
Christopher Lattimore (1690)
John Legg (1718)
Gravestones M?R
Eleanor Martin (1759)
John Griste Martin (1801)
Hannah R. Merrett (1824)
Mary Merrett (1824)
Captain James Mugford (1776)
Captain James Mugford (1778)
Elisabeth Nichols (1732)
Mary Nicholson (1784)
Hannah Noland (1793)
Mary Orne (1778)
Susanna Orne (1777)
Kendall Park (1716)
Emme Pedrick (1790)
Elizabeth Perry
Moses Allen Pickett (1853)
Benjamin Pitman (1815)
Elizabeth Pitman (1684)
John C. Pitman (1827)
Samuel Reed (1718)
Richard Reith Senior (1707/8)
Thaddeus Ridden (1690/1)
Anne W. Robinson (1862)
Benjamin Robinson (1815)
Sarah Robinson
Elizabeth Russell (1771)
Gravestones S
George Salkins (1787)
Mary Salkins (1779)
Mary P. Salkins (1812)
Nathaniel Salkins (1791)
Still Born Infant Salkins (1789)
Thomas F. Salkins (1808)
Elizabeth Sande (1711)
Mary Sarvant (1699)
William Seal (1797)
Benjamin Selman (1802)
Joseph Selman (1761)
Mary Selmon (1801)
Archibald Sinclair (1870)
Rebecca Sinclair (1853)
Sans Standly (1727)
Elizabeth Stanly (1771)
Hannah Stevens (1764)
Stivens child (1757)
Margaret Stivens (1759)
Richard Stivens (1756)
Richard Stivens (1758)
Hannah Striker (1757)
Hannah Striker (1758)

Gravestones T?Z
John Tawley (1736)
Richard Tawley (1733)
Talbot Tawley (1736)
Thomas Tawley (1737)
Elisabeth Tedder (1769)
Andrew Tucker Senior (1691)
Nicholas Tucker (1717)
Prudence Turner (1717)
Deliverance Waldron (1726)
John Waldron (1717)
Samuel Waldron (1691)
Samuel Waldron (1798)
Elizabeth Waters (1698/9)
Rev. William Whitwell (1781)
Rebecca Wolderig (1800)
Capt. Thomas Wooldridge Jr. (1809)
Thomas Wooldridge Jr (1811)
Samuel Wooldridge

Joseph Brown
Fisherman's Monument
Captain James Mugford and Crew
Wilmott Redd
Historic Marblehead
Photography Notes
Seventeenth Century Headstones

Mary Lattimer
Elizabeth Pitman
Rebekah Bonfild
Mary Britnall
Elizabeth Goodwin
Christopher Lattimore
George Bonfield
Thaddeus Ridden
Joane Henly
Samuel Waldron
Andrew Tucker Senior
Mary Galle
Capt Andrew Cratey Senior
Elizabeth Waters
Richard Hawley
Elias Henly senior
Mary Sarvant
? ?
Date of Death
Decorative Borders
Glover's Marblehead Regiment
Gravestone Symbolism
Headstones and Footstones
Redd's Pond
Salem Witchcraft Trials
Winged Death's Heads
Virtual Tour

Orne Street Path
Orne Street Path ? 1
Orne Street Path ? 2
Orne Street Path ? 3
Orne Street Path ? 4
Orne Street Path ? 5
Orne Street Path ? 6
Orne Street Path ? 7
Orne Street Path ? 8

Top of the Hill
Top of the Hill ?– 1

Ministers' Row
Ministers' Row ? 1
Ministers' Row? 2
Ministers' Row? 3
Ministers' Row? 4
Ministers' Row? 5
Ministers' Row? 6

General Glover Cluster
General Glover Cluster ? 1
General Glover Cluster ? 2
General Glover Cluster ? 3
General Glover Cluster ? 4
General Glover Cluster ? 5
General Glover Cluster ? 6
General Glover Cluster ? 7
General Glover Cluster ? 8
General Glover Cluster ? 9
General Glover Cluster ? 10
General Glover Cluster ? 11

Pond Cluster
Pond Cluster ? 1
Pond Cluster ? 2
Pond Cluster ? 3

Redd's Pond
Redd's Pond ? 1

Toward Gingerbread Lane
Toward Gingerbread Lane ? 1
Toward Gingerbread Lane ? 2
Toward Gingerbread Lane? 3
Between the Path
Between the Paths ? Row 1
Between the Paths ? Row 2
Between the Paths ? Row 3
Between the Paths ? Row 4
Between the Paths ? Row 5
Between the Paths ? Row 6
Between the Paths ? Row 7
Between the Paths ? Row 7 (continued)
Between the Paths ? Row 7 (continued)
Between the Paths ? Row 8
Between the Paths ? Row 9
Between the Paths ? Row 9 (continued)
Between the Paths ? Row 10
Between the Paths ? Row 10 (continued)
Between the Paths ? Row 11
Between the Paths ? Row 12
Between the Paths ? Row 16
Between the Paths ? Row 16 (continued)
Between the Paths ? Row 19
Between the Paths ? Row 19 (continued)
Between the Paths ? Row 19 (continued)
Between the Paths ? Row 21
Between the Paths ? Row 29

Central Area
Central Area ? 1
Central Area ? 2

West Side
West Side ? 1
West Side ? 2
West Side ? 3
West Side ? 4
West Side ? 5

Autumn ? 1
Autumn ? 2
Autumn ? 3
Autumn ? 4
Autumn ? 5

Winter ? 1
Winter ? 2
Winter ? 3
Winter ? 4
Winter ? 5
Winter ? 6
Winter ? 7
Winter ? 8
Winter ? 9

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